Amazon Cordless Vacuum

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I highly recommend this light weight Amazon Cordless vacuum. It is one of my favorite product recommendations to date. You can find this APOSEN Cordless Vacuum on Amazon here

I bought this vacuum as a dupe to the very popular Dyson cordless vacuum cleaner. This does a great job cleaning up around the base boards, especially the corners which are difficult to keep tidy with our black Lab.

There are several cordless APOSEN Vacuum attachments that make this an even better option. There is a short attachment for quick cleaning. I love this option for small crumbs and pet hair in between big cleanings. There is also a small brush top attachment which is great for cleaning the couch and other services.

Click any of the photos to direct you to this product on Amazon. There are several other APOSEN versions with great reviews. The key difference I noticed on this version was that you do not need to hold your finger down on the trigger button to keep the vacuum running (other models require you to hold this down the entire time). You only have to trigger it once to turn on and once again to turn it off. 

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